Speedcast International Limited has launched a next-generation IoT platform designed to simplify connectivity, provisioning, and device management through a single console. Designed for onshore and offshore customers, the next generation Speedcast IoT Centre is deployed on AWS to increase computing power and interoperability with a variety of customer applications required by IoT solutions. READ MORE…
NetUtils, an IT specialist has launched a new cybersecurity services portfolio to help businesses gain enterprise-class protection at competitive price points to suit small and medium-sized organisations. The new four-tier bundles combine between 4 and 16 cybersecurity services ranging from Endpoint Protection and Email Security all the way up to fully-fledged SOC services. READ MORE…
Ping Identity announced PingOne for Customers was named Best in Enterprise APIs by the API World Awards. This Ping Identity SaaS solution was also awarded Best Identity and Access Management Platform by The Cybersecurity Breakthrough Awards and The IT World Awards. Additionally, the Future Security Awards recognised Ping as the Best Security IAM Integration Software. READ MORE…
The Cybersecurity Resource Allocation and Efficacy (CRAE) Index reports that spending continued to increase, but cybersecurity efficacy has waned in Q3 compared to previous quarter pandemic business continuity and work-from-home initiatives. READ MORE…
EFFECT Photonics has joined the Telecom Infra Project (TIP), a global community of companies and organisations, founded in 2016, that aim to drive infrastructure solutions to advance global connectivity. TIP’s members work together to develop, test and deploy open, disaggregated, and standards-based solutions providing the high-quality connectivity the world needs now and in the future. READ MORE…
MLL Telecom has been awarded a five year contract by Adur and Worthing Councils to provide a managed network service to light up the Councils’ Full Fibre network. This includes support to public Wi-Fi, CCTV, Community Safety CCTV for Sussex Police, LPWAN and IoT sensors. READ MORE…
Shira Kadmon, Programme Manager, Qwilt explores why, with content consumption surging at breakneck speed, the need for secure, reliable, and highly scalable content delivery has never been more vital.
Niklas Lindqvist, Nordic GM, Onnec, looks at why, despite the critical role data centres play in a rapidly advancing technological era, certain aspects of design are often overlooked, leading to challenges that can impede future growth and efficiency.
Nick Poyner, managing director, Rubix VT looks at why telecoms professionals should take stock of the trends which look set to gather momentum in 2024 to position their businesses for success.
UK media see AI as the most resilient sector and the most likely to grow – Steph Macleod, Director, Kaizo, board member, Cloud Industry Forum asks, what’s driving this positivity?
Stephen Douglas, Head of Market Strategy, Spirent looks at why, for the first time, the demand for new 5G SA capabilities, and the supply of network equipment and devices to enable them, are finally aligned.
Alan Hayward, Sales & Marketing Manager, SEH Technology looks at why new technologies bring with them benefits, but also hurdles to be overcome.